• error AVVISO:

    Il sito web è in modalità di test. Per favore spegnilo se sei pronto per andare online!


Debug: The Night Watchman!

The night watchman helps you identify any issues with your installation. AutoCare utilizes special libraries and extensions to maintain system functionality without errors. It's crucial to use this view to thoroughly review your installation before commencing any debugging of code. If any aspect seems perplexing or mysterious, please contact the developer for assistance.

System Development

  • infoCurrent Site Version

    This is the website version based on given settings.

  • infoLast Updated Version

    This is the latest website version that RND Engine is compatible with.

  • phoneTechnical Support

    Stefanelli Web (20240104IT)

Important Libraries/Extensions

  • checkMinimum PHP 8.0.0

    PHP 8 or higher version needed (Current version: 8.1.22)
    Installed Successfully!

  • checkFileInfo Extension

    Used to check file information while uploading, editing media and similar files.
    Installed Successfully!

  • checkGD Image Extension

    Used to edit, transform images like jpeg, png, webp, gif and etc.
    Installed Successfully!

  • checkMySQLI Extension

    Used to connect with the database and make transaction between PHP and DB.
    Installed Successfully!

  • checkMySQLI Extension

    Used to connect with the database and make transaction between PHP and DB.
    Installed Successfully!

  • errormb_convert_encoding

    Used with security functions in the system. PHP `mb_convert_encoding` extension
    Not Installed!

System Limits

  • uploadMaximum Upload File Size

    User cannot upload more than this size of data

  • uploadMaximum Files per Upload

    User cannot upload more than this number of files.

  • updateRuntime Settings Limits

    Identify if any value overlap runtime settings (Older Versions).

Database Connection

  • sd_storageData Availability

    Check if data transfering active or not (With #port)
    Checking With MySQL Below...

  • infoMySQL Client Version

    This is just the client version only.

  • checkDatabase Found

    Database Name : `smartalert_nomedb` found in the server!
    Installed Successfully!

  • checkServer Version

    MySQL Version : 8.0.37-0ubuntu0.20.04.3 is ready!
    Installed Successfully!